Sloboda i Prosperitet BiH

What If: Several Rhetorical Questions for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Submitted by yadranko on Fri, 12/13/2019 - 20:23

What If: Several Rhetorical Questions for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Tyranny of freedom, poverty of prosperity, social justice or individual responsibilitybig government of minimal government, ...

What If: Several Rhetorical Questions for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Tyranny of freedom, poverty of prosperity, social justice or individual responsibilitybig government of minimal government, ...

About Us

Submitted by yadranko on Thu, 10/08/2009 - 22:58

Sloboda i Prosperitet BiH (en: Freedom and Prosperity of Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a nongovernment organization whose main goals are the promotion of classical-liberal / libertarian ideas of individual liberty, free market economics, and limited government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The organization was officially launched in early 2010, with clear objectives of exposing the devastating policy of continuation of 60 years of socialist politics in our society, educating people about the alternative libertarian ideas and solutions which have enabled for creation of the world's most prosperous countries, and finally with the objective of waking up people's minds in creating new supporters and then gathering them and cooperating with them in further promoting the message of liberty.

Sloboda i Prosperitet BiH (en: Freedom and Prosperity of Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a nongovernment organization whose main goals are the promotion of classical-liberal / libertarian ideas of individual liberty, free market economics, and limited government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The organization was officially launched in early 2010, with clear objectives of exposing the devastating policy of continuation of 60 years of socialist politics in our society, educating people about the alternative libertarian ideas and solutions which have enabled for creation of the world's most prosperous countries, and finally with the objective of waking up people's minds in creating new supporters and then gathering them and cooperating with them in further promoting the message of liberty.